


Tim Gresham is UK born and raised artist Mr. Penfold. His work represents a 1980’s inspired aesthetic that takes elements from the early days of computer graphics, airbrush graffiti, b-boy culture, comics, and skateboarding. Son of a 40 year veteran screen printer, Penfold was exposed to a wealth of creative influence and knowledge from an early age that has continued to push his craft and technique.


Tim’s latest works show growth and confidence in his stylistic approach, tapping into his love for abstract and pop artists like Eduardo Paolozzi and Patrick Claufield. With a dead set focus on pushing the abstraction of his earliest illustrative forms, Penfold has taken a scalpel to his signature elements, allowing himself to explore how they interact compositionally in space with varying scale and palette.

“It wasn’t until a couple of years ago that I actually had the guts to start pushing the abstract work! I had a slow transition from the characters to where my work is now. At first, I started tearing the characters apart and focusing on the elements—eyes, nose, mouth. With these parts, I began to create a library of shapes that I would use to make abstract paintings.” 

-Mr. Penfold