Harman Projects is pleased to present AM Gold, a solo exhibition by LA based artist Scott Listfield.
This will be the artist's debut solo exhibition with Harman Projects.

This will be the artist's debut solo exhibition with Harman Projects.

"Generally speaking, I make paintings about the future, but I've lately found myself looking more backward than forward. Maybe I'm getting older (I'm definitely getting older). Or maybe it's because the last three years have been, to put it as eloquently as I can, massively f*cked up. But I've been time traveling lately. Revisiting old haunts, old friends, old paintings, and old music.
As part of this process of remembering my past, I recreated some long lost playlists from the course of my life. The top 40 stuff I used to tape off the radio when I was in 6th grade. Hipster blog music from the mid 2000's. Semi-forgotten indie rock from the 90's. 70's soft rock. 90's hip hop which samples 70's soft rock. Brit pop from that time when I thought I wanted to move to London.
As much as anything else, these songs define my life. They're the soundtrack to everything I've ever done. And although I began this journey making playlists to help me document my own personal story, I realize that the songs themselves are as much the subject matter as the memories they inspire.
And so I made a show about music and time travel. I was inspired by the kind of physical artifacts we mostly don't have, don't need, or don't care about anymore: Album covers, CD's, posters, cassette tapes, stereo equipment (with actual knobs), band flyers, zines, photos cut and pasted from magazines, mix tapes shared amongst friends, passed down from cooler older siblings, or made to impress crushes. Of course we now live in a streaming era, and I wouldn't have been able to circle back and find the music which tells the story of my life without it. And so, accompanying this show will be a selection of playlists which I'll post on Spotify. It's an extremely personal list. It's not the best music of the last handful of decades. It runs through a number of incongruous genres. It's definitely not cool. In other words, it's me. AM Gold: the songs from my past, in the present."
- Scott Listfield
Saturday April 8th at 210 Rivington in NYC for the opening night reception, from 6 - 8 pm.
The show will be on view through April 29th.
The show will be on view through April 29th.